About Chris Gwozdz
I have been where you are and want to assure you that there is hope. I have previously experienced anxiety, addiction and manic-depression and my past includes living with pain, frustration and hopelessness. As a Certified Peer Support Specialist, combined with the knowledge I have gained through my experience to restore my life, I will work with you to regain hope and build a plan toward a healthy, productive life.
Optimism Outfitters inspires hope for your recovery by guiding you to reach your full potential and improve your life through peer coaching.
I understand the frustrations of being stuck and know that taking one step at a time can lead to optimism, health, and happiness. When you feel stuck and overwhelmed, a professional peer coach can help you see possibility. I know this, because it worked for me and it can work for you. By making a commitment to the footwork and process I have my life back and have the tools to stay unstuck and emotionally healthy.
Optimism Outfitters delivers tools for growth to help you get unstuck and find clarity in your life values and goals.
On track
Staying on track is more than emotional health. It is a commitment to emotional, physical and spiritual wellness in the way that works for you. Staying on track has helped me overcome day-to-day obstacles that in the past may have sidelined me. Staying on track has helped me lose 50 pounds and recommit to exercise. Staying on track has brought me an internal peace: that life is good and I deserve a good life. And now that I stay on track I can give back to the community by serving as president of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Tucson Chapter and volunteer mentoring with Goodwill GoodGuides for a 14 year old whose father is not in his life.
Optimism Outfitters supports you to stay on track by recording progress, refining footwork and identifying what works for you to be optimistic and resilient in a changing world.
For a full narrative about Chris’s journey to wellness and recovery, visit Chris’s blog
“No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.” – Helen Keller